Hey! So Glad You're Here.
I am a full time fur mama to 3, girl friend, home owner, zia (aunt), soon to be God mother, and permanent grade 5/6 teacher to 27 students. This is on top of being a Queens PME student.
"Innovation Teaching and Learning" is a concept of standard teaching practice, which is governed by the Ontario College of Teachers and Ministry fo Education, and critical reflection to achieve a greater outcome. This is the essence of the masters class that I have created with platform (blog) for.
Naturally, from my practice in the classroom (virtual and face to face), I have been guided me to my blogs topic- technology in the 21st century classroom.
This will be an ongoing blog where I post roughly twice a week for the next 10 weeks. The content will touch on the following ideas:
The effectiveness of regularly using assistive technology (i.e. chromebooks and google apps) for cross curricular learning in relationship to physical, cognitive and behavioural development in elementary school students.
Does the quick rise of technology in elementary schools since COVID19 create a divide between students having accessibility to these virtual programs and those who don't? Or between students who "prefer" to complete tasks online using apps and those who will truly benefit due to IEPs or other underlying conditions?
Over the years, has there been a growing or noticeable sense of dependency on assistive technology? Has there been a connection between student preference to use technology to learn, complete and submit work having grown up in the digital age (recently turning into an "endemic") and fine motor skills?
Have staff, students and parents been properly trained to use, SEA equipment, chromebooks or google apps (read and write, drive, calendar, classroom, Doodle, SketchUp etc)? Is the answer to this question related to student engagement/ participation in class and willingness to try new things?